Sunday, December 1, 2013

Welcome to my "FACEBOOK"

This year I shared our family blog website in our holiday card
because I have had several facebook request.
I must say, I never did the MYSPACE and I am really not into FACEBOOK either.
{at least not now}
 My thoughts towards this is simple:
Our closes family and friends know how we are doing, what we look like and
we connect with them with visits, cards/letters and phone calls.
Instead of spending endless time on facebook looking at people who I haven't seen or spoken to in years I would prefer to spend those endless hours on PINTEREST.
 I have heard the good and the bad of having a facebook and after much thought creating a BLOG was a better choice for me.

 This is my way of sharing moments of our lives with you all
and it's my "personal diary" for my kids to see later in life.
This is the best diary/scrapbook/memoir/photo album I can do for my family
that will not get lost, burned or torn.

So if it's your first time visiting, I hope you enjoy it!

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